Explaining Worship, Jack W. Hayford. ISBN:9781852403669

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Explaining Worship, Jack W. Hayford. ISBN:9781852403669

In this book, Jack Hayford teaches what the Bible says about worship. He provides a rounded explanation, looking at the Scripture to examine who we worship and why. Hayford outlines why worship is so important for Christians and highlights a variety of different ways to worship God. This book encourages a fuller engagement in worship and makes it accessible to provide easy application for your spiritual and everyday life. Each chapter ends with questions for study so you can fully interact with the teaching, which makes this book an excellent resource for personal or group study.

The Explaining Series books have always been amongst Sovereign World's bestsellers. Each book is just 64 pages and focuses upon a vital aspect of Christian faith and doctrine. They are written in a style that presents the Bible's teaching with clarity and simplicity.


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